Thursday, December 11, 2008


Remember the Titans. Great movie with Denzel Washington about how a high school football team dealt with racial conflict when two segregated high school teams were conjoined at the new, blended, all-city high school. It was the stuff Hollywood loves to churn into a movie because it tugs at your heart when conflict is resolved and everyone transcendentally joins to meet the collective’s needs. The best thing with this story is that it really did happen. I’ve met some of the key "players" represented in the movie from the 1971 class, including Coach Herman Boone.

This next tale, emanating from the same school, elevated my heart on a different, yet still sweet, note. Out of 1,400 group applications, the TC Williams Army JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) was selected to be part of the inaugural parade. They are comprised of an award winning drill team and color guard from the only public high school in Alexandria, VA. Yes, yes, there are other high schools, but they are all quite posh private academies. TC Williams is our one and only public high school in the City of Alexandria, VA.

IGHTS! Isn’t that what drives us a good bit of the time? No doubt this is a wonderful opportunity for the kids, but here is what brought a tear to my eye. Taylore Horn, 17, is the cadet who will be carrying our Virginia state flag in that honored march on inauguration day. This flag is dear to me because I really do love Virginia. Ms. Horn, like me, is also a transplant. In the photo, she is the one on the right. (The others are boys, should you require further definition.)

She and her family were displaced by Katrina one week after she had started high school in New Orleans. With Jesse, Corey and Zelda there now, one mention of Louisiana in a conversation or article demands my instant attention. So, I read on in a Washington Post article and Taylore is quoted as saying “I want him [Obama] to see us. I want him to remember us when we pass him.”

Forget politics and just think how drastically this kid’s life has been changed. Plucked out of her home and school by a weather disaster and forced to make new friends in high school away from everything familiar to her. Even under normal conditions, changing schools in high school is radical for a teen. It halts and redirects your entire life. It doesn't end it, mind you, but the impact is enormous. Also, think about the extra hours these kids spend honing their skills with drilling. Consider the added effort and focus spent on this junior Army activity. Now, consider the kids walking around involved with today’s seedy underbelly of life and what it takes to build a better mousetrap and remove them from the front page and news broadcasts.

Taylore did it! These kids did it. These kids arrived. These kids are sterling. I applaud Taylore, her JROTC group and all the others who don’t make the front page or TV regularly enough. Keep fighting the good fight.

Okay, I know I said to forget the politics, but that can’t really last through this entire posting, can it? Let’s discuss Hillary Clinton’s senate seat. How about Caroline Kennedy throwing her hat in ONLY TO BE TOTALLY OVERSHADOWED WITH THE “EXTENSIVE” BACKGROUND OF FRAN DRESCHER! Sorry Caroline, you are no longer on the short list, darling, ‘cas THE NANNY is stepping forward into the limelight and ballot box.

Of course, this is a natural progression. Surely Governor Patterson will appoint Fran over Caroline, Andrew Cuomo or even the great one himself, Billy Clinton. Thomas Paine would be inking away over the common sense of this decision. Fran wasn’t only “The Nanny.” She also rounded out her professional acting career in a small part in ‘This is Spinal Tap” (a great mockumentary). Both these roles were totally eclipsed by the cinematic force “Beautician and the Beast.” This body of work would automatically lead one to sit up in bed and say “LET’S SNAP THIS GAL UP AS A SENATOR BEFORE SHE CONSIDERS MAKING MORE TELEVISION SHOWS!”

Let's take a moment for silent reflection on Timothy Dalton's career after this starring role with our little Fran.

Fran? Caroline? Fran? Caroline? Fran? Caroline? The choice is straight forward.

Caroline has done a few things, but nothing noteworthy. She has lived in the White House, so that might sway the good Governor’s thoughts on the appointment. Harvard and Columbia Law School are okay schools, but do they really compare to having a television series? Profiles in Courage Awards were started by this Miss, but come on; anyone can give away a knick-knack dust catcher. It takes courage to be a Nanny, doesn’t it?

“Sweet Caroline” also heads the Kennedy Library Foundation, The Commission on Presidential Debates, The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and is an advisor to the Harvard Institutes of Politics. I for one say, SO WHAT? You can’t knock our Fran out of consideration just because you have an education, public service, an amazing family history, a deep connection with the political arena and published several books on the U.S. Constitution. Again, I say: SO WHAT!

Go away, Caroline. Have Neil Diamond write another song about you. We want Fran Drescher. American needs to be entertained by the US Senate for a change in these bleak times. Fran will elevate the mood with her poufy, bouffant hair-do, short skirts, high heels and pocket-sized doggie.

I WANT OUR GIRL, THE NANNY, Our once and future queen.
She’s FRAN-TASTIC. Senator Dresher.

Thank you, America. This just couldn’t happen any where else in the world. No wonder we’re in trouble. Aren't you glad I didn't get started on the Chicago mental giant having his own "End of Year Senate Seat Discount 'Lets Make a Deal' Sale" when the guy should have been getting busy changing his last name to something a person could pronounce? Maybe his next job will be on television too?


  1. That was hysterical.


  2. Consider this: your blog on the JROTC kids should be a LTE for the Post and perhaps the local papers. (Bridget might be able to help.) Really - submit it to the Post. Help the kids get even more attention in the parade. I want Barack to stand and salute them! Whaddya think?


  3. That would be amazing if the Post could run a story on the JROTC! I have six of the kids in class this year and they are SOOOOO excited - and I am SOOOO excited for them! :-)
