Photo: The big event. Note my effort to restrain my reaction. Now THAT is discipline, my friends.
The swearing in was a treat, as you can tell by the photo. Perhaps it is me, but the gal to the left of the Plexiglas has definitely reinvented the "raise your right hand" response. Silly me. I just give it that half-hearted 110 degree angle, but she is really into showing off her personal hygiene, bless her heart. You'll be happy to know that I've officially pledged to uphold the U.S. Constitution AND the laws of Virginia AND those of Alexandria. I've always been sort of on the fence about those three areas, but what the hell, I can walk the chalk line for a good reason, right?

Please note that although I am most laxed about the right-hand swearing in position, I make up for it with my accouterments. I was going to say accessories, but I'm buffing up my French based words. Nonetheless, I'm perfectly adorned for international representation with my "Stillers" scarf and blingish Fleur-De-Lis, in honor of my wonderful Cajun family in Louisiana. Now the Caen, France folks will think it is for them. A two-fer-one on the Madelaine Albright-o-meter.
(Right: My Favorite Cajuns! Please note the BLING on my favorite girl!)
This April 5, the Caen delegates are arriving here for a week of Alexandria influenced joie de vie. Then, in July, a few Alexandrians will return the favor and travel there. So, Ma Soeur Marie Etienne, I will be buffing up the audio-lingual method dialogs you so ardently attempted to make meaningful to me sooooooo many years ago. Please know I will do my best to make you proud and not cause you to adjust your perpetual position of rest.

BEFORE PARADE and DURING PARADE. She got the concept of putting out your hands and folks will throw things your way.
Until then, mes amis, please souvenir (that means remember) to mangez des crepes (eat those pancakes) tomorrow AND laissez le bon rouleau de temps!(Let the good times roll!)
Amour, Scoop
laissez le bon rouleau de temps 'nat.